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College Rules & Regulations

Anti Ragging

Our College Rules & Regulations

Although discipline cannot be contained in a few days but yet the following rules are set to guide what can should or must be done or not be done to maintain discipline.

Students should be usually clean and neatly dressed whether in or outside the college.

Students who are without uniform and whose general appearance does not reflect well with regulations may be detained from attending classes.

Unauthorized absence or irregularity, habitual late coming disobedience or objectionable behavior of any kind may result in expulsion of the student from the college.

Care should be taken to keep the surroundings clean, waste paper and litter should be consigned to dustbin. Defacing walls is prohibited.

Damaging or destroying College & Hospital property either wilfully or negligently by any student shall attract severe punishment and reparation of damage by the parents concerned. The Principal or the Managing authority may also impose collective fine on students to make good the loss.

Chewing gum, Bubble gum, Pan or Pan Masala, Smoking or consumption of liquor and spitting on the floor is strictly prohibited.

At home the students are expected to be helpful to their parents, grandparents and elders. They should be polite to servants. They should remember that Ayurveda is a way of life.

The decisions taken by the Managing Body or the Principal will be final in matters that are not covered above specifically. Students are required to abide by the orders issued by them. They are also required to follow the instructions effected by C.C.I.M., New Delhi and the VBU, Hazaribagh from time to time.

The inmates of hostels are required to follow the rules and regulations issued by their warden.

The hostellers will be allowed to go out strictly under permission by the Warden. In case a student is found violating this regulation, he/she may be fined in the first instance and expelled from the college on further violation.

Hostellers can meet their relatives or visitors in the common room during such visiting hours and day as set by the warden. They will not allow any visitor to overstay or stay inside the hostel without express permission of the warden.

The warden has sole power to refuse permission to meet a hosteller. No hostler or a visitor will challenge it before any forum or authority whatsoever Parents, however, are the exception to this rule.

The warden /college authorities will be authorized to issue order for vacating the hostel with immediate effect without disclosing reasons.

The management of the college reserves their right to cancel any admission form and refuse admission without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Ragging by students is strictly prohibited. It is legally punishable offence. Any offender will be liable to pay a fine decided by Anti-Ragging Committee and or expulsion from the college.

Submission of the Admission form will be treated as consequential of acceptance of rules and regulations mentioned in this folder which should be thoroughly read by the applicant.

Female guests are not permitted in the boy’s hostel. For other guests also permission of the warden is required. Class fellows and friends cannot stay like guests in the hostel.

The hostel door will be closed at 9.00 P.M. in winters and 10.00 P.M. in summer. Those who come late will be fined automatically. The door will be open at 6.00 A.M. in winter and 5.00 A.M. in summer. Reserve for opening the door in odd timings should be mentions in the register maintained by the security personnel/warden.

All admissions shall be provisional. The original certificates of qualifying examination will be subject to scrutiny and verification. In case certificates are found fake and eligibility not in order, the admission will be automatically cancelled forth with irrespective of the stage at which the error discovered.

No candidate enrolling him /her to the course of study at this college will pursue another course of study run by any other college/university simultaneously without proper permission.

Dues/fees once deposited will not be refunded or adjusted.


Other Rules and Regulations




    In case parents/guardians seek to withdraw their ward in the midst of a session, they will give one month's prior intimation to the principal in writing. They will also be liable to pay the fees of remaining part of the duration and obtain clearance certificate from various departments after paying outstanding dues if any.

    A student shall be withdrawn or asked to leave the college on the following grounds

    Indiscipline and misconduct, abetting criminal behaviour like smoking, stealing, using drugs, gambling and habitual offender.

    Non-payment of college dues in time, damaging college property, cheating in examination, unauthorized absence from college for more than 10 consecutive days.

    Leave of absence will be granted on prior written application endorsed by the guardian for a valid reason only.

    A student returning to college after illness shall produce physician's certificate of fitness.